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Can Smokers Get Implants and What Are the Risks Involved?

Can Smokers Get Implants and What Are the Risks Involved?
Dental implants have revolutionized the way people approach tooth
replacement. With their high success rate and long-term benefits, dental
implants have become a popular choice for those seeking a permanent
solution to missing teeth. However, smokers often wonder whether they are
eligible for dental implants and whether there are any risks involved.
Can smokers get dental implants?
In a nutshell, yes, smokers are eligible for dental implants.. However, smoking
can affect the success rate of the implant procedure. Studies have shown that
smoking can increase the risk of implant failure, which means that smokers
may need to take extra precautions to ensure the success of their implant.
Smoking affects the body's ability to heal and can also increase the risk of
infection. In addition, smoking can cause bone loss, which is essential for
implant success. Therefore, smokers who want to get dental implants should
discuss their smoking habits with their dentist and take steps to quit smoking
before and after the implant procedure.
What are the risks involved?
Smoking can increase the risks involved with dental implant procedures. The
risks include:
1. Implant failure: As mentioned earlier, smoking can increase the risk of
implant failure. Studies have shown that smokers have a higher risk of
implant failure compared to non-smokers. This is because smoking
affects the body's ability to heal, which can lead to complications during
the implant procedure.
2. Infection: Smoking can increase the risk of infection after the implant
procedure. Infections can be difficult to treat and can lead to implant
3. Bone loss: Smoking can cause bone loss, which is essential for implant
success. Implants require a certain amount of bone for stability and
support. If there is not enough bone, the implant may fail.
4. Delayed healing: Smoking can delay the healing process after the
implant procedure. This can lead to complications and can increase the
risk of implant failure.

Criteria for getting endosteal dental implant
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