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How Implants Can Prevent Jaw Deterioration?

How Implants Can Prevent Jaw Deterioration

Jaw deterioration, also known as bone resorption, is a condition that affects
the jawbone. It occurs when the bone tissue breaks down and is absorbed by
the body. This can lead to many problems for your oral health, such as
difficulty chewing and speaking, tooth loss, facial changes, and increased risk of
One of the main causes of jaw deterioration is tooth loss. When you lose a
tooth, the root that was embedded in the jawbone is also gone. This means
that there is no stimulation for the bone tissue to grow and maintain its
density. Over time, the jawbone will shrink and become weaker.
Dentures are a common solution for replacing missing teeth, but they are not
ideal for preventing jaw deterioration. Dentures are designed to sit on top of
the gum tissue and do not provide any support for the underlying bone. In fact,
dentures can actually accelerate bone resorption by putting pressure on the
gums and causing inflammation.
Dental implants are a better option for preserving your jawbone health. Dental
implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into your jawbone.
They act as anchors for replacement teeth, such as crowns or bridges.

Dental implants provide several benefits for preventing jaw deterioration:

- They stimulate the jaw bone as naturally occurring teeth. This helps to
maintain its density and strength.
- They prevent adjacent teeth from shifting into the gap left by a missing tooth.
This helps to preserve your bite alignment and prevent further tooth loss.
- They prevent sinus problems that can occur when upper jaw dental implants
protrude into the sinus cavities. This can cause inflammation of the sinuses,
which can affect your breathing and quality of life.
- They improve your appearance and confidence by restoring your smile and
facial structure. Dental implants resemble natural teeth and can last a lifetime
with appropriate treatment.
However, dental implants are not suitable for everyone. You need to have
enough healthy bone tissue in your jaw to support an implant. If you have
suffered from severe bone loss due to osteoporosis or other conditions, you
may need a bone graft before getting an implant. A bone graft is a procedure
where bone material from another part of your body or from a donor is added
to your jawbone to increase its volume.
If you are interested in getting dental implants to prevent jaw deterioration,
you should consult with your dentist first. Your dentist will assess your oral
health and determine whether you are an effective candidate for dental
implants. Your dentist will also explain the risks and benefits of dental
implants, as well as the costs and procedures involved.
In addition to preventing jawbone deterioration, dental implants offer a
number of other benefits, including:
 Improved oral health
 Enhanced aesthetics
 Increased comfort and stability
 Better speech
 Increased confidence and self-esteem

What to Expect During the Implant Process

If you're considering dental implants, it's important to understand what to
expect during the process. Below is a detailed breakdown of what you may
1. Consultation: The first step is to schedule a consultation with your
dentist or oral surgeon. During this appointment, your dentist will
evaluate your oral health and determine whether you're a good
candidate for dental implants.
2. Preparation: If you're a good candidate for dental implants, the next
step is to prepare the implant site. This may involve removing any
remaining teeth, extracting damaged or infected teeth, and preparing
the jawbone for the implant.
3. Implant Placement: Once the implant site is prepared, your dentist will
surgically place the implant into the jawbone. This procedure typically
takes about an hour and can be done under local anesthesia or
conscious sedation.
4. Healing: After the implant is placed, you'll need to allow time for the
bone to heal around the implant. This process typically takes several
months, during which time you'll wear a temporary restoration to
protect the implant site.
5. Restoration: Once the bone has fully healed, your dentist will place the
final restoration onto the implant. It can be a crown, bridge or dental
prosthesis, depending on your particular needs.
If you're experiencing jawbone deterioration due to tooth loss, dental implants
may be the solution you've been looking for. By providing the stimulation that
your jawbone needs to stay healthy, implants can help prevent bone
resorption and restore the health and functionality of your smile.
Dental implants are an effective way to prevent jaw deterioration caused by
tooth loss. They can improve your oral function, appearance, and quality of
life. However, they require surgery and may not be suitable for everyone.
Therefore, it is important to talk to your dentist before making any decisions
regarding your oral health.

Criteria for getting endosteal dental implant
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